Sliding locks, nylon cable glands, and leveling feet are all fairly straight-forward tools. However, depending on your operation and the application, you may need to choose tools that are not nearly as simple. For example, industrial handles, and industrial knobs are some of the more complicated pieces in protection and finishing products. They come in so many different types and variants that you could hardly be blamed for having a hard time finding the right kind. Unfortunately, in your operation there may not be any room for that kid of error.
This brief guide should help you better understand the options that are available to you.
- Industrial Handles
- Industrial Knobs.
When it comes to industrial handles, you could be talking about machine handles, door and window handles, or tool handles. However, most of the time you will probably be looking at machine handles. These come in tapered and lever, adjustable, or crank styles. Adjustable handles must be lifted to disengage them, and then can be rotated for making adjustments. Lever handles can stand in for gear levers, and depending on the make can be resistant to temperatures ranging from 70 degrees below Fahrenheit, to 200 degrees above Fahrenheit. You can even choose handles with revolving ball knobs, which serve to reduce friction, and provide an ideal grip for hand wheels or hand cranks.
Industrial knobs all take a variation of a general knob shape. The key differences is in whether they come with holes, whether or not they are threaded, or if they have studs. These variations mostly effect how knobs are mounted on machinery. They are meant to provide grips for positioning, tightening, and holding various fixtures. They are ideal alternatives to fasteners because they do not need tools to be adjusted! It is important to note that knobs with threaded studs are installation ready, knobs with threaded or un-threaded holes are meant to be mounted, and solid hub knobs must be machined to whatever your specifications are.
Suppliers can often give you advice on what varieties you might need, but you can also look at manufacturer manuals for more information. Carefully consider the needs of your operation or application, and choose the industrial handle or knob that is needed. More.