With over 11.5 million theatre patrons each year, Broadway has become a world renowned phenomenon. Due to its popularity, and the amazing quality of shows, tickets to Broadway shows can be extremely pricey. Even if you do not have tons of money to throw around, there are plenty of Broadway discount tickets out there that you can get your hands on. There is no reason the average Joe cannot see a Broadway show of their choice.
The 40 Broadway theaters span from West 40th street to West 54th street, and between 6th avenue and 9th avenue. There are plenty of ways to buy Broadway tickets for the wide variety of shows they are offering. You can look for Broadway discount tickets or last minute broadway tickets online, or you can visit one of the many discount ticket booths in the area. You are likely to find the tickets you are looking for at 20% to 50% off the regular retail cost.
Theatre tickets can be purchased in so many different ways, for so many different types of shows. Tickets for plays and tickets for musicals are offered at each theatre, but if you want Broadway discount tickets, you will want to try the free standing booths first. It is highly recommended that you see the currently longest running show on Broadway, The Phantom of the Opera. This show has stayed among the favorites for over 9,100 performances.
If you are unable to make it to Phantom of the Opera, there is no need to worry. There are plenty of opportunities to see Tony Award Winning shows. The Tony Award, given to the best shows of each year, is a disk shaped silver medallion with the masks of comedy and tragedy on one side and the profile of Antoinette Perry on the other. This medallion indicates that the show you are seeing has reached the top of it class in quality, and you are in for a treat.
If you are unable to get your hands on Broadway discount tickets, you can always opt for tickets to off Broadway shows in NYC. Off Broadway consists of a wide variety of smaller theatres and not for profit theatre troupes. They are located all over, from the Upper West Side to Tribeca. If those Broadway discount tickets did not come through, you will still be able see all kinds of performances from Shakespeare to original American Drama.
While there is no exact definition of Off Broadway, the shows are usually in smaller theaters of between 99 and 500 seats. However, The Brooklyn Academy of Music, is an Off Broadway venue with theatres of 2,100 and 870 seats. Tickets for NYC shows can be found anywhere, even if you missed your chance at Broadway this one time.
If you plan to visit New York City soon, begin looking now for your Broadway discount tickets. Keep scanning you favorite websites for that show you have been dying to see, and snatch up the cheapest tickets as soon as possible. If nothing becomes available, do not shy away from the Off Broadways options.