3000 Americans die each year from food poisoning. It is important that every company keep the process safety management in mind when working to achieve food safety certification. There are more than 19,000 standards for food handling which covers everything from growing the product to storing it and ISO 14001 sets out criteria for an environmental management system. In June 2011, Energy Management Standard ISO 50001 was released. Capability Maturity Model Integration is a process for improvement which can be used to guide improvement across a project. And there is much that food needs to be defended from.
There are different types of certification for different types of services for process safety management. For example, there is Cmmi certification, HACCP certification training and BRC certification. One of the largest as of 2010 is Iso 14001 certification, a type of food safety certification which is used by at least 223,149 organizations in 159 countries and economies. It has also been found that this particular food safety certification gives companies a competitive advantage over companies that do not use it.
Bacteria is one of the most dangerous things in anyone’s food. But process safety management can prevent it from drastically growing. Three or four hours is all the time that is required for bacteria to spoil milk which is left at room temperature on the kitchen counter. Process safety management dictates in such cases that all food be kept secure.