Author: admin

  • What Portal Integration Is and How It’s used

    Portal Integration consists of the implementation of portals. Portals are websites that pull in and display different types of information. The different informational components displayed are known as portlets. The expired iGoogle Dashboard is an example of portal integration, because the user can configure the informational components displayed. Other common types of portals are intranets…

  • Avoid Harsh Tax Penalties by Making Sure Tax Debts Are Cleared Promptly

    The 16th Amendment to the Constitution was introduced in 1913 and made income taxes a permanent part of the U.S. tax system. Though it is meant to be beneficial to taxpayers, it causes many individuals to need to find IRS debt settlement options if they have trouble paying their taxes. Failing to find back tax…

  • Are You Missing Out on ERISA Mandated Benefits?

    Are you familiar with ERISA? If you work a job that offers a pension or retirement plan, this is a very good term to know. ERISA is the acronym for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, passed in 1974 and now often used as a blanket term to refer to all laws having to do…