Many people think of camping as “roughing it”, though in this day and age, there are a number of cool campsites that allow campers to be as comfortable as they would be at home while still enjoying all the sights nature has to offer. Camping experiences differ by state, but ultimately, the United States is flush with beautiful campgrounds.
The average camper goes on five camping trips during the year and travel roughly 191 miles from their home to the campground. Many people go camping in recreational vehicles, as RVs are a great way to enjoy camping without having to sleep outside. Some of the best camping sites in the United States are also the best RV campgrounds.
Camping is a great way to spend time together as a family, and interestingly, families can benefit from going camping. Kids benefit the most from camping, as the American Camp Association reported that 63 percent of children continued new activities they learned in camp after returning home.
Louisiana is one of the best states in which to go camping in the United States. Some of the best RV campgrounds in all of the southwest United States are located in Louisiana, and there are a bevy of other camping sites in the state that are highly rated among camping enthusiasts.
Southwest Louisiana especially is a camping hub, as it is known as the festival capital of the state, boasting over 75 fairs and festivals a year. At the end of the day, whether you go Louisiana camping or camping in any other state, it is a healthy activity that is great for everyone in the family. Find out more about this topic here.