How to Do a Sea Salt Cleanse
You know the feeling. That uncomfortable, bloated, churny, gassy feeling. Sometimes it happens exactly when you think it will, after a large meal or a big party full of unhealthy foods and drinks. But sometimes it happens when you least expect it, after a healthy week of eating and exercise, or maybe even for no…
Protect Your Child From Serious Health Conditions, Low Self Esteem, and Bullying
Did you know the number of obese children more than tripled within the last 30 years? Even more troubling, a 2010 study by the World Health Organization found that over 40 million children less than five years old are overweight. These figures are disturbing, and need to be addressed. It goes without saying. You love…
Is Your Company Data Safe? Data on All Devices Needs to Be Carefully Monitored
Did you know smartphones sales have increased by as much as 63% since 2010? Just about everyone has some sort of mobile device, and more and more employers are encouraging, and sometimes even pressuring, employees to bring their smartphones to work. What employers fail to realize is, allowing employees to use their own smartphones and…