Author: admin

  • Are You a Gearhead Looking for Something to Listen to on the Way to Work?

    Did you know, according to Statista, there are more than 250 million vehicles in the United States? And why not? This great country is responsible for more milestones in automobiles than any other. It was Michigan’s Henry Ford who first implemented the assembly line into auto manufacturing, forever changing the way cars were produced. It…

  • Seeking Rochester Through Forums and Intrigue

    Are you sick of keeping your comments to yourself? We aren’t in elementary, middle or even high school anymore. At least one might hope as much. Then why are we still abiding by the same rules. The key to a healthy environment is not keeping comments – good, bad or otherwise – pent up. All…

  • Things to Think about Flooring in the DC Area

    Are you tired of getting caught on the lip of your old carpet, or are you looking to retain some warmth in your DC home? Then you are probably on the market for new carpeting. But are you worried about the cost of a new carpet and uncertain on whether or not carpet installation costs…