The controversy engulfing the issue of health care in the United States has grown to such mammoth proportions that even people who avoid the news know all about it. The reason that having health care coverage is so important to every American is due to its outrageous cost.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 15.4% of Americans were not covered by health care during 2012. Yet, a Johns Hopkins University study estimates that nearly one out of two Americans has a chronic health condition. Furthermore, the CDC reports that approximately 70% of all deaths in the United States can be attributed to chronic conditions.
It is for this reason that the U.S. government rolled out its Medicare program in 1966. Given the high cost of covering individuals with chronic health conditions, traditional insurance companies refuse to cover these individuals because of the high risk. The people Medicare targets are uninsured people over the age of 65, and younger people experiencing serious terminal conditions like end-stage renal disease and ALS. Medicare is especially important as health care improves and terminally ill patients are living longer.
Once you differentiate Medicare from other types of government health care plans, there are also Medicare Advantage plans. What is Medicare Advantage plan? Medicare can be broken down into four parts, which are Parts A, B, C, and D. Part A covers inpatient services, Part B covers outpatient services, Part C is a network plan, and Part D covers outpatient drug prescriptions. Medicare Advantage health plans are another name for Part C.
When it comes to Medicare, around 28% of people who receive Medicare are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans. In order to get a list of Medicare Advantage plans, and to find out if they qualify, one can simply access the Medicare homepage. From there one can get all the information they need on Medicare Advantage, Medicare Advantage news, a list of programs, and more.
Whether you or someone you know needs information about Medicare in Texas, Washington, Maine, or Oklahoma, all the essential information is available on the Medicare website. Learning about what Medicare is and who it can help is essential for people with serious medical conditions, but cannot get health care coverage. So, what is Medicare Advantage plan? It could be the different between a longer more peaceful life, and a constant struggle for basic care for the seriously ill.
One response to “Essential Facts About Medicare Plans”
Whenever I read about Medicare or Medicaid it reminds me of my brother. Probably the most self-righteous teabagger ever, AND his degree and jobs are in Human Services. He thinks medicaid is only for lazy people. Such an ignorant sob.