It should be of no surprise to any business to hear that the internet is the most important medium for advertising. Over 2 billion people use the internet, according to Internet World Stats, across the planet. They are using the web to connect with long lost friends, distant family members, and to play their favorite games. Most important to businesses, however, is how much the worldwide web is being used for customers looking to make purchases.
Of course, that means nothing if businesses are not readily accessible to all web users. Most people assume that the only way to have effective web marketing is through SEO. However, as you will see, the top branding companies in the world are offering far more than than that to grow businesses’ web presence. If you are not utilizing an innovative packaging design and website design company for your web marketing, here are four reasons to start.
- eCommerce is Rapidly Expanding
- Mobile Users Are Driving the Market
- What About Social Media?
- Custom Content is Key
For the last decade, eCommerce has seen steady upticks in total global revenue. However, in the last two years especially, eCommerce has seen geometric growth. According to Forrester Reports, $1 trillion in retail sales were influenced by the internet in 2011. In 2012, actual eCommerce sales surpassed the $1 trillion mark for the first time. Improved web marketing, such as that offered by a quality web design company, is the key to accessing the increased volume of web shoppers.
The mobile market is the fastest growing sector of web business. 57% of American adults, according to Pew Internet, now use a smartphone daily to access the web on the fly. Subsequently, 51% of shoppers are more likely to buy online from websites using innovative packaging design that leads to mobile optimized web pages.
Social media, too, is becoming a crucial part of businesses’ internet marketing campaigns. Consider, 46% of online shoppers rely on social media platforms for recommendations and information about the best products and services they should be purchasing online. Are you effectively branding your company through social media to make it more attractive to users? If not, the innovative packaging design specialists with web design companies can craft your brand to be more attractive for all social web surfers. Social media is one of the main reasons why spending on brand marketing is set to increase by 63% over the next year.
Are you aware that 61% of web users are more comfortable patronizing a web business if they produce custom content and custom products and services? Does your brand too closely resemble another? If so, you need innovative packaging design experts who can set you apart on the web and elsewhere. Doing so may directly lead to increased sales.
As you can see, online advertising is not simply about generating blog posts and articles. Instead, you need to place sufficient focus on web design and branding to improve your visibility. Doing so may mean increased interest and revenue. See more: www.catalpha.com