Are you in love with her, like really absolutely in love with her? is it that kind of love where you cannot live without her, as if there is no one else out there for you? If so, then you probably should start looking and listening for some tips on buying engagement rings, because it sounds like it is about that time sir!
But first, how about a little history lesson… do you even know where the concept of an engagement ring came from? It began in Ancient Egypt, and this circle shaped band symbolized a never ending cycle, and that space inside of it is a gateway. Wow, tell the woman you love that, and there is no way she could say no. But back to the history lesson, because the number one tip among the many tips on buying engagement rings is if you can understand the importance of the meaning, as well as the materials used to make the ring itself, you can then see the beauty of that band around her finger far beyond the physical appearance of materialist gestures and tradition.
The oldest worked gold objects were made as early as 4000 BC, and that is a long, long time ago people. The total amount of gold ever mined is 150,000 metric tons, and that is worldwide. This is a crazy amount of gold to think about. But imagine this, of that total amount from everywhere in the world, more than 90% of all gold ever used has been mined since 1848, back when gold was first discovered at Sutters Mill, California. You may know this time as the greatest gold rush of all time.
But it is not only about gold and silver bands around her finger, most females would say it is about that shiny rock that is attached to it that truly matters. So as far as tips on buying engagement rings goes, you may easily seek the help of others, which will be productive, but if you truly love her, you should know what she likes. This will not only help you with finding one, but it will help the person at the jewelry store know what styles of rings to show you as well, so you can narrow it down.
Speaking of people working at jewelry stores, understand this, these people are not just regular people who love jewelry, they know what the heck they are talking about. There is something called the Diamond Council of America, or the DCA, and it was founded in 1944 as a forum to educate jewelry sales professionals. These helpful sales people are not only there to provide advice on buying an engagement rings tips, or tips for buying engagement rings just to make money off of you, they are knowledgeable in all areas of jewelry designs, diamond earrings, gold bangle bracelets, etc. and they truly understand the passion and love behind buying something like this.
Always remember, it is not always about what the ring looks like to everyone, and it is should not be about what the ring looks like at all. It should be about the history behind it, and what it symbolizes. It should be about the beauty of the love you share with her.
6 responses to “Buying an Engagement Ring Can be One”
am i a materialistic bi**h if I really want a big diamond for ring?
YES. jk lol but why not use that money on something else? like still get a decent ring but idk
YES. jk lol but why not use that money on something else? like still get a decent ring but idk
YES. jk lol but why not use that money on something else? like still get a decent ring but idk
YES. jk lol but why not use that money on something else? like still get a decent ring but idk
YES. jk lol but why not use that money on something else? like still get a decent ring but idk